To upload a new book, follow these steps:
Step 1
Firstly, Sign in to your account.
Step 2
Go to the dashboard by clicking on the ‘DASHBOARD’ button.
Step 3
Click on ‘WRITERS’.
Step 4
Step 5
Add details of your book.
Add your book title.
Add your book subtitle.
Add author name of the book.
Add book price (Note: Price should be from 5 to 9999 credits).
Add ISBN# (Note: ISBN Format: 000-0-000000-00-0).
Add copyrights of the book.
Choose the audience.
Choose genres.
Add your cover page photo and Your cover photo should be 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall (Note: Acceptable file extension including jpeg, png, bmp, gif).
Add the listing description (Note: Maximum 250 characters).
Step 6
Step 7
Open your book on your computer and perform these steps.
Cut & Paste Introduction, Preface and Acknowledgement.
Credit 1 will be the default price for all chapters and you can change the price later.
Remove Table of Contents from the book, we will include this for you.
Align the word "Chapter" and the chapter number in a single line in your book. Example: Chapter 1
Put the aligned chapter and chapter number in square brackets shown as this Example: [Chapter 1]
Put the aligned chapter title in curly brackets shown in this Example: Meet Declan
Save the entire book in the PDF format (Images will not parse. Option this later).
Your book upload should start at the first chapter.
Double check all of these instructions.
Step 8
Click on ‘UPLOAD PDF NOW!’
Step 9
Please wait while the system is processing your request, you will be redirected to 'Book Toolbox' page after the completion.