About Chapter Cat
A message from our CEO;
Hey everybody, My name is Clayton Beal and I am the Author of this site. I am a science fiction writer as well. I personally find writing very satisfying but, I have to admit that the “after write” experience thus far, has been sorely disappointing. After my first book I learned that not all publishers are honest and few of them have your best interest at heart.
So, I got to thinking, I'm a sci-fi writer, why not develop a futuristic website for Authors like me. Something simple and easy. A site where readers can browse and try out books swiftly and easily.
I wanted to come up with some innovative ways for authors to make money. The first Idea that I came up with was to sell books by the chapter. At this point in my writing career, I'd be happy to make enough money to pay my water bill. I came up with this idea after hearing rumors of authors giving their fist book away in hopes to sell a second. I hate this idea. I personally feel it is the road to insanity but, I can certainly understand it. I decided it would be much better to give the first chapter of a book away to entice a paying customer, who's initial investment could be a very minuscule amount.
ChapterCat.com was born.
Mission Statement;
I have since come up with several new and exciting implements to improve the author/reader experience. We are constantly growing and evolving. Our hope is to be everybody's favorite site for reading and publishing books. If you have an idea for ChapterCat.com drop me a line at Clayton@chaptercat.com
Now you know the story of ChapterCat.com. Enjoy and adventure on!